Sunday, January 25, 2015

Gold & Silver Princess Doll Shoes for 18" Slim All Vinyl Dolls Like Review

Gold & Silver Princess Doll Shoes for 18' Slim All Vinyl Dolls Like Carpatina & Magic Attic
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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My DGD has a BFC, Ink. doll and finding clothes and especially shoes has been difficult. These shoes fit the doll!! And, they are nicer looking than the plastic ones that come with the clothes packages designed for the dolls. They will go to her for Christmas along with clothes that I make for her and the doll.

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My daughter has the BFC Ink 18" doll. It's hard to find clothes for them. We make a lot of her clothes together, but shoes are outside our creative comfort-zone! These fit beautifully! We'll be on the lookout for more designs!

Best Deals for Gold & Silver Princess Doll Shoes for 18" Slim All Vinyl Dolls Like

The silver shoes are very cute and slip onto my Carpatina doll with just a little work. The gold ones are cuter than I expected, too, and I will use them. However, the first time I put a gold one on the doll's foot, the buckle/bow popped off. They are just glued onto the shoe. The other one's buckle/bow is glued so tightly that I can't get it off, so I'll have to glue or sew the popped one back on. Honestly, they look better without them. You don't have to untie the cord to get them on the feet, but I'll probably replace the stiff cord with some ribbon.

I bought these shoes mainly for the silver ones, so I'm not disappointed in what I got. They look very cute on the doll.

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