Friday, November 28, 2014

Liv Dolls - Daniela Review

Liv Dolls - Daniela
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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My daughter received this for her 7th birthday.

She was really wanting these dolls badly and was not disappointed at all at. She played with it non-stop.

There seems to be a million strings and things to cut your way through to free the doll from her package, so a need to be patient.

The doll it really very pretty. Very lifelike inserted eyes instead of painted on eyes, they really add a nice touch of realism, and are very well done.

The wigs, my daughters main desire to play with really are also nice and I was surprised. The hair is very soft and silky. I like that all extra wigs come with a "wig head" to store them on, an when not in use, also useful for combing them out.

You will probably need to trim them after your brush them to cleam up some rogue long pieces. It is also very apparent they were cut with a machine, The straight wigs particularly are choppy and even a bit jagged looking, but not something my daughter noticed at all.

At first it seemed a bit difficult to change wigs, there is a hole in the doll's head and a plastic peg in the wig. Then the directions point out you can push your fingers on the wig to pop the wig a bit inside out to easily insert the wig on the doll's head. My Daughter has not needed any help changing the wigs or clothing.

The joints in this doll are pretty wild!! this doll has knee-caps, and rotating wrists and ankles. Very impressive how lifelike you can make movements!! I think that is my biggest concern, how durable are they. My daughter always has played very respectfully with her dolls so I am not as much worried about her breaking it as I am friends who can get a little over-enthusiastic. SO far I can't really see any problems.

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I was interested in this line of dolls because of the customization factor. Originally, when I was going to pick up one of these dolls, I was going to go with Katie or Sophie. My friend picked out Daniela, and once I got her home, I was in love. Her picture doesn't really do her justice, as she is actually adorable with a warm smile and soft gaze. I can't wait to make clothes for her!

It's a little tricky to change the wigs as the doll is packaged, and I'm still getting used to the flexibility of her joints. I'm a little disappointed in the quality of her tights, since they began to fray on the first day. Also, be prepared to take scissors to the doll's wigs, as they are a little uneven (the longest part of the layers had these random overly long sections as well as hair that went down to her bust line in her bangs).

These dolls are fairly customizable as packaged, since wigs that would fit the doll are easily available. Also, if anyone is feeling bold it is possible to change the eyes (though it is by no means easy). Just cut the "halo" out of the back of her head, and it will make perfect sense. (Edit: I realize now this might not be the case. There is a lot of cutting involved, and you will want to use something with a very fine edge to cut away the vinyl from the eyes). The included wigs fit her just fine this way (and are easier to put on).

These dolls are a cheap alternative to similar Asian lines, and they're durable, since they're meant to be played with. They're a great introduction into the world of ball jointed dolls and doll customization. In my opinion, the line nicer than the Barbie Fashionista line (ex.Barbie Fashionistas Girly Doll). It's more flexible, less fragile, and more customizable. It's a little difficult to explain, but this doll line just feels "warmer" than Barbie or Bratz, in general.

Best Deals for Liv Dolls - Daniela

The new Liv dolls that Spin Master has just launched a new hit! The boys have more of Bakugan in my house than I can count, and now my daughter wants all the Liv dolls too. Maybe I should just start sending my paycheques directly to the company!

Great dolls though. They are beatiful, have great wigs, and the clothes are really cute.

Honest reviews on Liv Dolls - Daniela

I gave this to my niece for Christmas. It's Valentine's Day and she is still playing with it. I would say it's a WINNER! Comes with a product code that allows her to create an account and play Liv World games online (change her outfits, eye-hand coordination games... age appropriate stuff).

Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Liv Dolls - Daniela

I am a doll collector, and this is truly a beautiful doll! The detail on the eyes is astonishing, and not painted on like cheap Barbie dolls. Overall, this is a very detailed doll, very positionable and good for collectors as well as kids. Very nice!

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