Friday, October 31, 2014

Buy Mystixx Siva Doll

Mystixx Siva Doll
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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Cool idea for a doll line, they are vampires by night, human by day; fits in nicely withe Monster High family of dolls. The premise is the head mold has 2 faces. If you're old enough you'll remember a baby doll that had 3 faces, awake, sleepy and sad I think. This doll has only 2. You face whichever head you want showing in front. She comes with 2 wigs, a purple and blonde. You could probably buy ball jointed wigs for her. The only trick is it needs to be wider in the back to cover that second face and you don't want it to show the double ears on the head.. She is a tiny bit taller than a Monster High doll, her head is bigger. No jointed wrists, her arms go up and sown like a tin soldier and they are on the bendy side. No jointed knees either and just like the arms her legs move like a tin soldier. She sits well even without bendable knees I find the human face more appealing. The vampire face is just a little more harsh looking. And I don't mind vampire dolls, it's just after looking at the illustrations on the box, I think she could be a little prettier. She comes with 2 outfits, to change into. Ahhh, they are ok. not the greatest quality , but ok. for someone young who would be playing with them. I would like to see a more top of line outfit because I display them. Monster High is one up on clothing quality, they should take a look. So really not a bunch of issues, she's just manufactured differently, which is o.k. I like all types of dolls and this one hasn't fallen apart yet.

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bought this as a present thinking it was a monster high because it was listed with them. i thought the gift would be a disappointment once i found out it wasnt a monster high doll but the little girl actually loved it and said it was her favorite gift.

Best Deals for Mystixx Siva Doll

i really like this doll and accessories i know my daughter will love i for her upcoming bday its cute

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