Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Review of Moxie Girlz Horse Riding Club Horse Cricket

Moxie Girlz Horse Riding Club Horse Cricket
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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This horse is awesome! First, it is a pretty big horse (about a foot tall) and as if that wasn't even it moves! With a push of a button the horse will start walking and making horse noises. Then right there on the saddle is a holder for your Moxie Girlz doll. I didn't have another doll to try but I don't see why this horse could only be used for Moxie Girlz! I don't think I ever saw a horse like this that walks for kids to play with! Cricket is part of the Moxie Girlz Horse Riding Club collection and the three dolls go perfectly with this horse (but again I don't see why it wouldn't work with other dolls you may have.) My 3 year old son actually has been playing with this horse because he thinks its cool how the horse can walk, and so far we have not had any falls on our hardwood floors. I think the horse would be wobbly on carpeting but on hard floors it does just fine.

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My 3 year old HAD to have this for Christmas. The horse is gorgeous and has a nice support bar to hold the rider in place (sold separately). The horse does walk and whinny on it's own with a push of a button on it's chest, however even on our hardwood floor the horse tended to topple over even without a rider on top that could change the center of gravity. We've only had it for one day, but so far not living up to expectations for the price.

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I like this toy, but I wish it was a little more interactive. The horse walks, but slowly and not for very long. There is also a delay from the time you press the "walk" button untill it actually walks. I bought this for my daughters 3rd birthday, and she was thrilled to have it, but she seems to get easily frustrated at having to continually push the walk button. Maybe the age reccomendations should be for 4 and up. Three year olds are a bit lacking in patience...

Honest reviews on Moxie Girlz Horse Riding Club Horse Cricket

This horse was a little pricier than I expected, but overall have no complaints about the horse. Functions as advertised and the kids love it!

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It is enjoyed by grandchild. Only thing wrong is I think it should be cheaper. The price was jacked up for Christmas and that shouldn't be allowed.

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