After the first couple of days, this darling doll has not been played with. My 8 year old daughter will play with it occasionally, but it is not the doll of choice. The doll has a very hard, stiff body. She does not work well with everyday pretend play. When she is turned off, she is stuck in the position that she was in when you turned her off. Her legs and arms cannot be moved or bent for strollers, etc. She is not a doll that your child will cudle with in bed.
My 3 year old has two of the Little Mommy Sweet As Me dolls that she loves. They are adorable and great for everyday play. I would recommend them, especially for younger girls. I can pick them up for around $10, verses this expensive doll (however, I found this doll on clearence for $25, which was plenty).
Overall, this doll is cute and fun to watch. She is not great for pretend play and cuddling.
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The other woman on this site complaining probably didn't use Akeline batteries. It says right on the box and in the instructions to use Akeline batteries, not regular ones. My daughter has this doll and we absolutely love it! It has lasted over 1 month and we still have the same batteries!Use Akeline and you'll be fine. This doll is amazing and worth every penny!
If you miss this one, you've missed one of the best dolls for the Christmas season!
Best Deals for Little Mommy Real Loving Baby Walk and Giggle Doll
Cute doll, kids love it but environment conscious parents better stay away. This doll chews battery for breakfast, lunch & dinner and it eats 'em 6 at a time.Day 1: kids receive the doll, are delighted and play with it morning through evening (cute for sure).
Day 2: doll only speaks but can't move. Replace 4 batteries (2 in each leg) and it works all rights
Day 3: doll goes mum, replace 2 batteries at the back
Day 6: cycle 6 batteries again
Day 8: order a set of rechargeable batteries on ebay!
Personally, I dont see any educational value from the toy, its cute though but I definitely dislike the fact that it is such a power hog. Not to mention that it usually makes a snap sound occasionally when you lift the doll by her arms... as if you broke the thing!
Honest reviews on Little Mommy Real Loving Baby Walk and Giggle Doll
This doll is amazing, my girls love her. They got her from their Nana yesterday when we celebrated Christmas at her house. So far I'm only seeing one thing that is worrying me about this doll. When she goes from standing to sitting her arms are getting stuck and they pop loudly and constantly until the girls pop her arms back up where they are suppose to be. Then she will finish sitting down. They were stuck a couple of times when she was standing from a laying position. Other than this she is a very fun doll. I think for the technology she is probably worth the price. Hopefully the price will go down some with time though. I wouldn't mind getting another doll so they could each have one without having to share.The only other drawback that I can think of is the fact that she takes 6 AA batteries. Two in her back and two in each of her feet. We are going to have to buy some rechargable batteries for her because she has already drained the batteries in her back after less than 24 hours. Maybe 3 9V batteries would have been better, I'm not sure.
It seems like I've only talked about the negative things. She really is an amazing doll. She says so many things and her interactions are so much fun. I would have LOVED to had a doll like her when I was a little girl.
Please don't let anything in my review discourage your purchase of this doll. She's worth the money.
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I was so excited to get this for my daughter who is 3. I would have definitly loved it as a child. Its a great little toy except a few things:First even though it says 36 months and up I don't suggest it for this age. This is my main reason for the low review. A 3 year old wants to be a little more involved. She doesn't want to just watch the doll walk, sit, stand and so forth. And the doll is all hard plastic and you can't really move the body parts yourself so she doesn't play with her. However she plays with the little dog on a daily basis. It is her most favorite toy.
Secondly because she has tried to move the parts herself the doll is broken. The first day we got the doll she tried to move her parts while she was turned off and now ever since she can't sit or stand properly she mostly just falls over.
And third this doll takes an insane amount of batteries. She needs them in her back and both feet. And they run out very quickly. Add the cost of battery supply to the cost of this doll and it just isnt worth it in my book.
So ultimatly I would recommend this for older children that dont feel the need to minipulate the doll themselves and will be much more gentle and ONLY if you are willing to spend a fortune on batteries.
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