Thursday, November 28, 2013

Reviews of Barbie Sparkle Wedding Day Bride

Barbie Sparkle Wedding Day Bride
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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I bought this for my daughter's 4th birthday. She said she wanted a Barbie doll in a wedding gown. So, as a dutiful dad, I ordered this thing. It's got the glittery dress, the bouquet thing, shoes, bracelet, and I think a hairbrush, if I'm not mistaken. I only saw it in its fully accessorized glory for a fleeting moment. Because these dolls, in the hands of kids of that age, inevitably end up stripped naked with their accessories lost under the couch or buried with a thousand other knick knacks in their toy chests. To play responsibly with these things you have to have some organizational skills, which probably don't surface until age 8. I must say, though, seeing the doll naked, they must have tried to make them more anatomically correct compared to what I remember as a kid in the 80's. She's actually got a derriere worth looking at now. I feel dirty typing that.

My major complaint is the price. You know Mattel is milking these things because the actual cost of production in some sweatshop in China has got to be around $5 at most. They can charge what they charge because dutiful dads like me look like cheap bastards if they turn down their 4 year old daughters on their birthday.

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We purchased this product as a gift for our four year old flower girl, to let her relive the wedding day experience after her "walk" down the aisle was over. We purchased it with the Wedding Day Groom Ken. Being a four year old, she appreciated it!

Best Deals for Barbie Sparkle Wedding Day Bride

My granddaughter wanted a wedding Barbie for her 4th birthday. So she was very pleased when she opened this package. The price was significantly below what I could find in the local stores, so grandma was pleased too!

Honest reviews on Barbie Sparkle Wedding Day Bride

I really like this babi, thie week amazon get 5off on this ,this is best price!~

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I was looking for Girl who was a princess Bride.

And Then I saw her And knew she was the one there was someing Magical about her Beauty.

And Her Chram so I went and got her and My Girls love her

Buy Fom Amazon Now

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